Growing up with a younger brother made me always wish I had a sister. I didn't care if she was older or younger, I just wanted someone who I could share clothes mainly. It's not that I didn't love my brother, but we just never got along doing ANYTHING. We would argue and fight non stop and as stubborn as we are nothing ever got solved. My brother was/is sneaky, he knows how to push ones buttons and he also knows how to talk himself out of trouble. So yeah, I wanted a sister.

In case you missed my message, I said WANTED. After being with Jules, Shay, and Corinne for a year I've learned that sisters aren't any better than brothers. Corinne being 14 dignifies attitude and sass, I know what to expect as I was a 14 year old once and let me tell ya, I feel SO bad for my parents. It's not easy to talk sense into them or really get them to listen to ANYTHING you tell them. I've had very little success making sure Jules doesn't pick up on Corinne's attitude sometimes but it's inevitable, they live together. I've also seen Shay develop quite the personality and she's only 1. I didn't think she would be so attention seeking and fake cry when she doesn't get her way...but she does!

I've witnessed that having a sister means constant fighting/arguing. I think I expected to see this between Corinne and Jules but I certainly didn't expect to see it between Jules and Shay. How does a 1 year old know that if she fake cries she will get her way? Did Jules do this one time in front of her and she picked up on it? I've given up trying to figure it out because I'm busy dealing with trying to figure out how to make this stop. So I did a few Google searches and liked
this one best and tried to make this happen.

For example, Shay would be playing with one of her toys and a few minutes later, Jules would stop whatever she was playing with and go up to Shay and take whatever it was in her hand, out. I would ask Jules why she did that and her answer is always..."I don't know". Well, I've gotten tired of her giving that excuse so we've been working on answers being given like, "What color is the sky Jules?'.. and she would reply, "Blue?". I would tell her that THAT was an answer, not, "I don't know." She's been getting better but today she came back with a smarty excuse as to why she took the toy from Shay. She says, "Shay doesn't know what she's doing and I do." Well, needless to say Shay looked at me and started fake crying because she no longer had her toy. Okay, that was justified so I didn't make a big deal of it so I picked her up and walked over to Jules and took her toy she was playing with. I know I know a little harsh, but it worked because she asked me why I did that and I said, "You took Shay's toy and she doesn't know any better to take it back, but I do, so now you know what it feels like when something is taken away from you." She was shocked I did such a thing and went right back to Shay with her toy and said, "I'm sorry I took your toy Shay, I won't do it again." BAM that was easy!

But then a few minutes later, Shay went up to Jules and tried taking her toy and Jules held on tight and didn't let go. Shay looks at me and starts wailing and boy, did it break my heart but I didn't cave. I looked and Jules and said, "Maybe we can give her a similar toy and let her play with you that way she doesn't feel left out?" And Jules agreed and ended up giving Shay an identical toy and she was satisfied.

My point is, I don't think it matters what gender sibling you have because no matter what, they're going to make you angry sometimes and make you wish you had a different sibling. But now that I'm older, I'm just glad I was able to grow up with a sibling at all because my brother has taught me a lot about myself and has also surprised and made me proud to be his big sister.